The Effects of Cooking on a Gas Stove on Children with Asthma Study (CEVICA)
This study will replace your existing gas stove with a new, electric induction range (oven & stovetop) and measure the change in indoor air pollution associated with cooking on a gas stove.
Is an electric induction stove different than a regular electric stove?
Yes. Unlike electric stovetops (hot, red coils), an induction stove uses magnets to heat steel pots and pans, so burner “turns off” as soon as you remove the pot or pan. This form of heat is more efficient and consistent than traditional electric coils (or even gas).
Will I get to keep the electric induction range after the study ends?
Yes, the electric induction range will belong to you. It has a retail value of $1,500. The study also pays the cost to install a 240V circuit to plug-in your new stove. You will also receive a new, 12-piece stainless steel cookware set to optimize use of the induction stovetop.
What if I want to participate but my home’s electrical service is too small or I’m not ready to replace my gas stove?
You can still participate in this study. Instead of replacing your gas stove, we will provide a portable, electric induction stovetop and countertop toaster oven/air fryer that you will use during the study period in place of your gas stove (you get to keep the countertop appliances when the study is over).

What else will happen if I decide to participate?
The study will measure different types of air pollutants in your home before and after you switch from gas to electric cooking to assess potential improvements in indoor air quality.
The study will also measure your child’s asthma symptoms and lung function before and after you switch from gas to electric cooking to assess potential health effects related to changes in indoor air quality.
Will my PG&E bill go up when I replace my gas stove with electric?
We anticipate there may be a slight increase related to use of the electric induction range (about $5/mo). The study will provide $90 to cover this cost for the first 18 months of use.
How long will the study last and will I be paid for my time?
The study should last about 8 months. You will be reimbursed for your time and effort after each study visit. If you complete all study visits, you will receive a total of $425 in VISA gift cards.
Who is eligible to be in this study?
You are being invited to join this study because:
- You live in or near Fresno, Bakersfield, or Stockton
- You have a child with asthma who is 6-13 years old
- You are enrolled in the CARES program and are utilizing the indoor asthma trigger remediation tools provided by CCAC
- You currently use a gas stove for cooking
Who is paying for this study and why?
The California Energy Commission is sponsoring this study. The state of California is assessing the environmental and health benefits of transitioning from natural gas to electric home appliances.
Is CCAC partnering with academic institutions to do this study?
Yes. CCAC is partnering with researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, the UC San Francisco, UCLA and AEA.
Will we have to visit CCAC’s office for any part of this study?
No. All study visits will be done at your home. You may contact the local CCAC office with any questions or issues related to the study.
How many times will someone visit my home for this study?
There will be up to 9 visits over an 8-9 month period, including:
- CCAC staff will review the study, get your consent to participate and demonstrate use of an electric induction stovetop
- An electrician will assess your homes capacity to install an electric induction stove and upgrade your electrical service (if needed)
- CCAC will set-up indoor air monitors to measure PM2.5, NO2 and other pollutants, along with sensors to monitor cooking appliance use
- CCAC will remove indoor air monitoring equipment and conduct health measurements and questionnaires
- Contractor will install electric induction stove; CCAC will provide cookware and a cooking demonstration with the induction stove
- CCAC will repeat visit #3 (installation of monitoring equipment)
- CCAC will repeat visit #4 (removal of indoor air monitoring equipment, conduct health measurements and questionnaires)
- same as #6
- same as #7
Note: Visit 5A or 5B will occur depending on group assignment.

CEVICA Study Text Messaging Privacy policy and Terms
If you reach out to us to participate in our study (see contact info above), we will collect information from you by asking you questions, either verbally or in surveys. All data collected as part of the study are protected within a secure research database (called REDCap). If you ask us to contact you via text messages, only the participant and parent name, phone number and visit dates will be sent via text. No data will be shared with third-parties (like other text messaging services), and you will only receive study-related texts. You will receive reminder texts or emails before and after each set of visits (Baseline, Phase 1, Phase 2) from our study team to check in and answer any questions. If you request to get study communications via text message, message and data rates may apply, depending on your mobile phone service plan. You can opt out of text messaging at any time by reaching out to us at [[email protected] or [email protected]] or replying STOP to any of our messages.